Feeling Anxious? Try this ONE technique…

Written By

Fiona Lam

Certified neuro-emotional technique (NET) practitioner and naturopath

School concerts, work Christmas parties, organising holidays and getting together with family and friends…December can be a busy but exciting time of year for some, but it can also be anxiety-inducing for others.


Inside The Mind Of A Person With Anxiety

Perhaps one of the most crippling symptoms of anxiety besides the many physical symptoms is the incessant worrying thoughts. These fear-driven thoughts tend to revolve around the unknown, causing anxiety sufferers to catastrophize situations, to feel out of control, and to have an overwhelming sense of dread.


Why We Fear The Unknown

The unknown activates our limbic system which is a part of the nervous system that is responsible for our emotions, memories, behaviour, and physiology for survival. One of the key functions of the limbic system is to keep us from harm, which is why anything that seems unfamiliar will appear to be a threat to our survival.

Triggering the limbic system can also cause the mind to start racing because it’s the brain’s way of trying to find a solution to the problem…The problem is that the problem is not what is happening in reality, but it’s something that the mind has fabricated!

We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” – Seneca


ONE Technique To Overcome The Fear Of The Unknown

Uncertainty in life is inevitable and there will always be elements that are out of our control, but one technique that can be helpful to reduce the anxiety around that is to give our survival brain some clarity.


Hope for the best, Prepare for the worst

As mentioned earlier, jumping to the worst-case scenario is almost like a reflex for someone who is in an anxious state. In order to counter the fear of the unknown, ask yourself “What’s the worst thing that can happen?” and then act on preventing it or having a plan in place if it happens.

Even though most of our fears never come to fruition, knowing what you CAN do if it does will help you stay in control. In fact, acknowledging what the worst possible outcome could be is enough to dissolve the stress for some people.

Whilst anticipating the worst can be instinctive, it’s good practice to also consciously look for the best possible outcome in every situation. How often have you thought to yourself after a stressor “That wasn’t so bad” or “That worked out better than I thought”?


An Example Of The Unknown – “What if…”

PROBLEM: Worst case-scenario

  • I lose my job and can’t pay the bills.

PREVENT: What to do about it now

  • Update my resume and look for a new job.
  • Assess my finances to allow time frame for job searching without an income.
  • Ask my boss about my work performance and what I can do to improve it.
  • Be open to new work opportunities.

PLAN: What to do about it if it happens

  • Remind myself that I am financially stable enough to afford time to job search.
  • Sell possessions of value if I need financial security i.e car.
  • Reduce / stop unnecessary purchases if required.

PROMOTE: Best case-scenario

  • I keep my job and continue to develop my skills in that role.
  • My boss acknowledges my work and I get promoted to an even more enjoyable role.
  • I find a new job that is more meaningful.

Hopefully, this one technique will help you feel calmer and happier through the holiday season (and through the unknowns of life!), but if you’d like more specific and effective ways to support your anxiety, enrol in the transformation 7-week online course on how today!


7 Steps to Overcome Fear and Win At Life

A Transformative 7-Week Program for Young Women. Discover a set of essential skills to become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself with this fun and inspiring 7-week transformative online program which you can complete in your own time and in the comfort of your own space.

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