Tag: stress

What NOT To Say To Someone With Anxiety

I, like many others, have anticipated the mental health crisis that would follow as a result of the pandemic and I must admit, witnessing the volume and severity of it as a healthcare professional has been seriously confronting. Many mental health workers I know of are no longer taking new

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5 Ways To Successfully Build Your Daughter’s Confidence

“You just need to be more confident!” is the advice commonly given by parents with the best intentions. Yet being confident is something that is often difficult for daughters to comprehend and emanate if it is something they have never experienced. To begin with, it is important to understand that

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4 Reasons Why You’re Always Tired

Can you guess which symptom motivates people the most to see me in practice? (Hint: It’s in the title of this post haha.) 9 times out of 10, it comes down to “Having a lack of energy” whether my clients came to see me for chronic pain, headaches, gut issues,

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3 Surprising Causes Of Anxiety

“I’m not stressed, I’m fine.“, was something I used to insist on to anyone that suggested that I was uh, let’s say…a little tense. “Fine” was waking up through the night with racing thoughts, walking around with my shoulders up to my ears and breaking out in so many pimples

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How To Reduce Stress In 2 Minutes

Something unexpected happened the other day… Kristin Gilmour from Optimal Rx, a well renowned Australian practitioner-only herbal company asked whether I would present a lecture on teenage health as part of their webinar series. Although it was an honour to even be considered, my mind immediately went into overdrive with

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3 Tips On How To Stop Procrastinating

Everyone has a procrastinator in them. In fact, my procrastinator has made several attempts to deter me from writing this blog. Well, not today procrastinator…NOT TODAY. Ironically, “not today” is my procrastinator’s favourite tagline when I’m trying to work on something, because I can always “do it tomorrow“, “wait until

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7 Steps to Overcome Fear and Win At Life

A Transformative 7-Week Program for Young Women. Discover a set of essential skills to become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself with this fun and inspiring 7-week transformative online program which you can complete in your own time and in the comfort of your own space.

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