How We’ve Become Addicted To Technology

How much time do you think you spend on your phone? I used to spend a lot more time on my phone…If I was waiting for the tram, I would be checking my emails or if I was watching something on Netflix, I’d also be texting on WhatsApp and if

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3 Tips On How To Stop Procrastinating

Everyone has a procrastinator in them. In fact, my procrastinator has made several attempts to deter me from writing this blog. Well, not today procrastinator…NOT TODAY. Ironically, “not today” is my procrastinator’s favourite tagline when I’m trying to work on something, because I can always “do it tomorrow“, “wait until

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7 Steps to Overcome Fear and Win At Life

A Transformative 7-Week Program for Young Women. Discover a set of essential skills to become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself with this fun and inspiring 7-week transformative online program which you can complete in your own time and in the comfort of your own space.

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